The Lions of Trondheim DVD

Set during the time of Nazi oppression, The Lions of Trondheim tells the captivating and true story of the Norwegian resistance against Hitler – secretly happening in the face of overwhelming odds. Follow the storyline of these brave patriots of the village of Trondheim as they work to uncover the unknown enemy within and undermine the Nazis without. Written by Jim Potter Directed by Nicole Chavers Stratton Produced by The Academy of Arts Ministries Performed at the Logos Theatre September 2022, by the Logos Theatre Staff and Students.

We also have this production available from several of our high school summer camps performed in June as well as much earlier performances from 2018 and 2014. We default ship the the newest 2022 version, but if you wish to have one of the summer camps or one of the earlier versions, simply use the dropdown menu and select the desired option!

Click here to purchase a digital copy of this production!
