Founded in 1971, the Academy of Arts exists to train and inspire the next generation of servant leaders to properly use the universal gift of communication for others’ good and God’s glory.
The two-year Associate’s degree provides students with two years of exceptional communicative and theatrical education. Students will take online courses while touring with the Logos Theatre Touring Company from August to May. During their first two years, students will work to write and direct 8-9 minute cuttings which will be performed in their second year as the completion of their Associate’s degree. Students may also have opportunities to help with productions at the Logos Theatre when they are not touring.
The third-year Bachelor’s program provides students with specialized training as they work alongside a creative team to write, direct, and debut their own full-length production in The Logos Theatre. During an Associate degree student’s second year, each student will be given the opportunity to audition for entrance into this exclusive program. A maximum of 5 students will be selected. This program will not only challenge students to grow personally and spiritually but will also inspire them to grow their skills in communication that reflect the nature of our God!
The installment payments for the Associates Degree are:
August 15th
October 15th
December 15th
February 15th
April 15th
The one-year GAP program provides students with training in all aspects of theater (lighting, sets, props, makeup, costumes, acting, directing) as well as counseling and discipleship. Students will train at our home base in Taylors, South Carolina, from June to August; then, starting in September, they will travel across the United States with our staff team leaders ministering and teaching in one-week dramatic word seminars until May. GAP students will end their tour at graduation in May and receive a one-year certificate to represent all they have learned and accomplished throughout the year.
GAP Student
$9,700 per year / $1,616.66 per payment
The installment payments for the GAP Year are:
May 15th
August 15th
October 15th
December 15th
February 15th
April 15th
The basic cost for the school term may be paid by semester, by the below payment plan, or by a specified payment plan laid out between the payee and the financial officer. If a specific payment plan is required, please speak with the financial officer before the first payment laid out in the payment plan below. Payments may be made by cash, check, money order, credit/debit card, or automatic withdrawal. Any bounced or returned check will be charged the appropriate bank fees. Please note that we are unable to accept postdated checks or to hold checks.
Midterm or final exams may not be taken unless a student’s account is completely up to date. Students paying their accounts more than 9 days late will be charged a $15.00 late fee. Student’s accounts must be paid up to date before returning for another school year. Graduating students will not be allowed to walk for graduation if their account is not up to date even if a payment plan is in place. Again, all payment plans should be worked out before the first payment is due to make sure the account is paid in full before the end of the year.
Students paying their accounts more than 9 days late will be charged a $15.00 late fee. Students whose accounts are 30 days past due will be subject for dismissal from the program.
Founded in 1971, the Academy of Arts exists to train and inspire the next generation of servant leaders to properly use the universal gift of communication for others’ good and God’s glory.